Burglary Story From The 1970's

by Steve
(North West England, UK)

In the early 1970's, my parents spent a lot of time visiting family in a city about 45 miles from where they lived. One time between Christmas and New Year, they were burgled whilst away.

They returned to find the entire house ransacked. Entry was via a window at the back that was left open on a latch (not the secure type ones you have today).

The perpetrators stole jewelry and some other items which were of sentimental value.

The police were called and my parents were given a crime number or equivalent. It has to be said that the police were less than helpful. It sounded like they were more bothered about the paperwork than with actively catching the criminals.
"You know the area you live in. What did you expect, especially leaving a window open?", said the unsympathetic copper.

Suffice to say, no windows were ever left open again.

Enraged, my father waited up all of the following night, and several nights after that in the hopes of catching them if they returned. He planned to administer his own form of justice!

Unfortunately, they never returned. On the other hand, it was just as well, as you never know what to expect and things can escalate to be a whole lot worse. One must remember, however, this was the 1970's: a very different time.

My parents moved to another part of town soon after. They were never burgled again after learning the hard way to ensure that their home is as secure as it can be while away.

Today they do things like:

- Leave a light on a timer that switches it on/off at different times

- Close the blinds

- Send me around to check up on their home if I’m available

- Close and lock all doors and windows

Recently we installed a security alarm and bars for the French window handles, as we recently became aware of how easy it is for intruders to freeze and shatter the locks to gain entry.

You have to move with the times as far as security is concerned. Some of the perpetrators are very good at what they do (which is a shame because with such keen minds, they could have done some good with their lives!).

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Jan 06, 2015
It Comes Back To Basic Security
by: Evan

Thanks for your story, Steve. Unfortunately, no matter where in the world you're from, this kind of thing happens all the time.

It's ALWAYS a shock when it happens and we usually make the necessary security changes to prevent it happening again.

It seems as though many people just don't believe it will happen to them...until it does!

If only everyone could fully secure their home's windows and doors BEFORE the burglars picked their house. In reality, this would probably mean that the bad guys move further down the street and choose another person's home instead.

Some good ideas at the end of your story for additional security measures we can all use.

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